Kits 3D [KITS3D] La Liga 2024/2025 by SELLECK87 (update 29 agosto 2024)

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

(19-08-2024, 04:38 PM)dominikl71 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.amazing, thank you.

Muy bueno

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

Muy bueno :campeones:

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

(05-08-2024, 04:06 PM)SELLECK87 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images. LA LIGA 2024/2025 Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

ALAVES: Home, Away & Third
ATL. MADRID: Home, Away & Third
BARCELLONA: Home, Away & Third
BETIS: Home, Away, -
CELTA VIGO: Home, Away, -
ESPANYOL: Home, Away & Third
GETAFE: Home, Away, -
GIRONA: Home, Away & Third
LAS PALMAS: Home, Away, -
LEGANES: Home, Away, -
MAIORCA: Home, Away & Third
OSASUNA: Home, Away, -
REAL MADRID: Home, Away & Third
SIVIGLIA: Home, Away & Third
VALENCIA: Home, Away & Third
VALLADOLID: Home, Away, -
VILLAREAL: Home, Away & Third

Ecco il megapack contentente i kit 3d de La Liga 2024/2025. Il megapack è in continuo aggiornamento!

Sarebbe gradita una donazione libera per supportare il lavoro svolto.
Per farlo, cliccate sull'immagine sottostante.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

È severamente vietato condividere questo contenuto in altri canali o siti.

I hope you will enjoy this megapack!

A free donation to support the work done would be appreciated.
To do so, please click on the image below.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

It is strictly forbidden to share this content in other channels or sites

Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

Come installare i kit3d

- Scaricare ed estrai l'archivio-
- Andare su 'Documenti/Sports Interactive/Football Manager2024/graphics/kits3d
- Se le cartelle 'kits3d' e 'graphics' sono assenti, vanno create
- Copia e incolla la cartella 'La Liga 2425 by selleck87' nel percorso descritto nel punto precedente
- Avviare Football Manager
- Andare in Preferenze, interfaccia avanzata
- Deseleziona 'Usa cache per i ridurre i tempi di caricamento delle pagine' e seleziona invece 'Ricarica Skin quando si confermano modifiche alle preferenze'.
-Clicca su conferma

How to install the 3d kits

- Download and extract the archive-
- Go to 'Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager2024/graphics/kits3d
- If the folders 'kits3d' and 'graphics' are absent, they must be created
- Copy and paste the folder 'La Liga 2425 by selleck87' into the path described in the previous step
- Start Football Manager
- Go to Preferences, advanced interface
- Uncheck 'Use cache to reduce page load times' and select 'Reload Skin when confirming changes to preferences' instead.
-Click on confirm

Amazing work Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

sei un grande

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

(05-08-2024, 06:31 PM)aldo22223 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.great


AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

(05-08-2024, 04:06 PM)SELLECK87 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images. LA LIGA 2024/2025 Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

ALAVES: Home, Away & Third
ATL. MADRID: Home, Away & Third
BARCELLONA: Home, Away & Third
BETIS: Home, Away, -
CELTA VIGO: Home, Away, -
ESPANYOL: Home, Away & Third
GETAFE: Home, Away, -
GIRONA: Home, Away & Third
LAS PALMAS: Home, Away, -
LEGANES: Home, Away, -
MAIORCA: Home, Away & Third
OSASUNA: Home, Away, -
REAL MADRID: Home, Away & Third
SIVIGLIA: Home, Away & Third
VALENCIA: Home, Away & Third
VALLADOLID: Home, Away, -
VILLAREAL: Home, Away & Third

Ecco il megapack contentente i kit 3d de La Liga 2024/2025. Il megapack è in continuo aggiornamento!

Sarebbe gradita una donazione libera per supportare il lavoro svolto.
Per farlo, cliccate sull'immagine sottostante.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

È severamente vietato condividere questo contenuto in altri canali o siti.

I hope you will enjoy this megapack!

A free donation to support the work done would be appreciated.
To do so, please click on the image below.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

It is strictly forbidden to share this content in other channels or sites

Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

Come installare i kit3d

- Scaricare ed estrai l'archivio-
- Andare su 'Documenti/Sports Interactive/Football Manager2024/graphics/kits3d
- Se le cartelle 'kits3d' e 'graphics' sono assenti, vanno create
- Copia e incolla la cartella 'La Liga 2425 by selleck87' nel percorso descritto nel punto precedente
- Avviare Football Manager
- Andare in Preferenze, interfaccia avanzata
- Deseleziona 'Usa cache per i ridurre i tempi di caricamento delle pagine' e seleziona invece 'Ricarica Skin quando si confermano modifiche alle preferenze'.
-Clicca su conferma

How to install the 3d kits

- Download and extract the archive-
- Go to 'Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager2024/graphics/kits3d
- If the folders 'kits3d' and 'graphics' are absent, they must be created
- Copy and paste the folder 'La Liga 2425 by selleck87' into the path described in the previous step
- Start Football Manager
- Go to Preferences, advanced interface
- Uncheck 'Use cache to reduce page load times' and select 'Reload Skin when confirming changes to preferences' instead.
-Click on confirm


AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

(05-08-2024, 04:06 PM)SELLECK87 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images. LA LIGA 2024/2025 Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

ALAVES: Home, Away & Third
ATL. MADRID: Home, Away & Third
BARCELLONA: Home, Away & Third
BETIS: Home, Away, -
CELTA VIGO: Home, Away, -
ESPANYOL: Home, Away & Third
GETAFE: Home, Away, -
GIRONA: Home, Away & Third
LAS PALMAS: Home, Away, -
LEGANES: Home, Away, -
MAIORCA: Home, Away & Third
OSASUNA: Home, Away, -
REAL MADRID: Home, Away & Third
SIVIGLIA: Home, Away & Third
VALENCIA: Home, Away & Third
VALLADOLID: Home, Away, -
VILLAREAL: Home, Away & Third

Ecco il megapack contentente i kit 3d de La Liga 2024/2025. Il megapack è in continuo aggiornamento!

Sarebbe gradita una donazione libera per supportare il lavoro svolto.
Per farlo, cliccate sull'immagine sottostante.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

È severamente vietato condividere questo contenuto in altri canali o siti.

I hope you will enjoy this megapack!

A free donation to support the work done would be appreciated.
To do so, please click on the image below.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

It is strictly forbidden to share this content in other channels or sites

Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.

Come installare i kit3d

- Scaricare ed estrai l'archivio-
- Andare su 'Documenti/Sports Interactive/Football Manager2024/graphics/kits3d
- Se le cartelle 'kits3d' e 'graphics' sono assenti, vanno create
- Copia e incolla la cartella 'La Liga 2425 by selleck87' nel percorso descritto nel punto precedente
- Avviare Football Manager
- Andare in Preferenze, interfaccia avanzata
- Deseleziona 'Usa cache per i ridurre i tempi di caricamento delle pagine' e seleziona invece 'Ricarica Skin quando si confermano modifiche alle preferenze'.
-Clicca su conferma

How to install the 3d kits

- Download and extract the archive-
- Go to 'Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager2024/graphics/kits3d
- If the folders 'kits3d' and 'graphics' are absent, they must be created
- Copy and paste the folder 'La Liga 2425 by selleck87' into the path described in the previous step
- Start Football Manager
- Go to Preferences, advanced interface
- Uncheck 'Use cache to reduce page load times' and select 'Reload Skin when confirming changes to preferences' instead.
-Click on confirm

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

great pack

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0

Great, thanks

AHAH  0 Triste  0 SEI UN GENIO!  0 OMG!  0


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