[FM23] Japan Facepack [MARCH UPDATE] by Selleck87
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Con l'aggiornamento di Marzo di Football Manager 2023 e, di conseguenza del database Giappone, ho aggiornato il facepack.
Finalmente potrete iniziare la vostra carriera Made in Japan con una grafica aggiuntiva.
All'interno troverete più di 2,500 volti della J1 League, J2 League, J3 League, Japan Football League e alcuni volti anche della Japan Regional League.
Questo Facepack è strettamente legato con il database creato da Robbles Quin ®™ che potete trovare You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.

Spero che il facepack sia di vostro gradimento.

Sarebbe gradita una donazione libera per supportare il lavoro svolto.
Per farlo, cliccate sull'immagine sottostante.

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È severamente vietato condividere questo contenuto in altri canali o siti.

With the March update of Football Manager 2023, and consequently of the Japan database, I have updated the facepack.
You will finally be able to start your Made in Japan career with additional graphics.
Inside you will find more than 2,500 faces from the J1 League, J2 League, J3 League, Japan Football League and some faces from the Japan Regional League as well.
This Facepack is closely related to the database created by Robbles Quin ®™ which you can find You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.

I hope you enjoy the facepack.

A free donation to support the work done would be appreciated.
To do so, please click on the image below.

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It is strictly forbidden to share this content in other channels or sites

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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. (Copy and Paste the contents into the previous folder)

Thank You!
Thanks to you Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.
Muchas gracias crack
I hope you enjoy the facepack. I am already working on improving the quality.

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is that face files put in the same graphic face folder?
You simply insert the folder in the zip file into graphics. Then start the game, go to preferences, clear cache and restart the skin.
Finally !!! We couldn't wait !!! Incredible talent!??
Sono più bravo a mangiare. Volevo precisarlo Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register to forum by clicking You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. to see images.
(13-03-2023, 06:06 PM)SELLECK87 Wrote: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.I hope you enjoy the facepack. I am already working on improving the quality.

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Hello, was this I was asking, at least, a name list to put a IUD. Do you have a facepack with names instead IUD numbers?. Best Regards. David

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